Sunday, March 4, 2012

Top 10 list of funny computer questions and conversations

I have composed a list of some of the funniest questions submitted by users. Most of these are from my own experiences, the rest are from other support communities. Its nice to know I am not the only one that has to answer these questions.
Enjoy our list of the top 10
1. Where is the “any” key?
2.Does Windows 98 support Linux?”
3.How much does Windows cost, and do you have to buy each one separately?
4.You said I would get 98 windows with this computer. Where are they?
5.Support: “Tell me, is the cursor still there?”
Customer: “No, I’m alone right now.”
6.Support: “Ok, ma’am, do you see the button on the right hand side of your mouse?”
Customer: “No, there’s a printer and a phone on the right hand side of my mouse.”
7.Customer: “Someone was just here working at my home and now I cannot connect to my printer anymore.”
Support: “What type of repairs were completed?”
Customer: “Plumbing repairs.”
8.Customer: “I am experiencing errors on my computer”
Support: “When did this start occurring?”
Customer: “After I restarted”
Support: “What were you doing on the computer before the errors started?”
Customer: “Nothing”
support: “Then why did you have the computer on?”
9.Customer: “I cannot start my computer.”
Support: “What was the last operation you completed on the computer?”
Customer ” I deleted the Windows folder cause my computer said I was low on disk space and it was the largest.”
10.Customer: “I love my new desktop so much. It’s powerful and fast. I especially like the new cup holder that came with it.
Support: “Ma’am….What are your referring to when you say cup holder?”
Customer: “My desktop came with this neet slide out cup holder.”
Support: “Are you referring to the cd-rom drive?”
At this point the customer simply hung up.
Yes believe it or not these are actual questions and conversations posed by customers. Man I hope people will arm themselves with knowledge so they can better voice there technical questions.

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